Saturday 1 August 2009

The weekend

I have the usual range of weekend chore to do plus some extras. A package to pick up from the Post Office , a vist to the RSPCA with Steve to look at kittens, a holiday to book, and a cheque to pay in.

So my plan is to go out very soon to try and get most of the shoppping done early, then I will have plenty of time to phone the holiday club and book the holiday. That leaves lots of time for the kitten hunt - and of course the hopsital visit this afternoon.

I used the Wii fit last night before we went out and did 20 minutes free stepping - clocking up 30 minutes in one day for the first time in several days. (I did 10 minutes step plus before I went ot work) I know the key s get myself back into a routine where excercise is a natural part of my day.

Tuning in to my body (as Beyond Chocolate would say) what do I hear. Physical - I am slightly hungry but my IBS is an issue and I feel bloated and constipated.. Emotional -I am OK not down not up . I think the word is 'positive' And the question? What can I do today that is fun?

Thats a good start to the weekend. There is one more wuestion though. Am I going to eat something before I go out anmd if so what. That I am not sure about at all. I want to get moving asap, and there is nothing I feel I really WANT to eat - but I feel hungry and it is real hunger. But there is nothing I can imagine eating without feeling very slightly nauseous. Dont want ceral, don't want toast, don't wamnt waffles, don't want biscuits or cereal bars . Maybe I'll take a banana with me to eat on the run. Very bad from a Paul McKenna viewpoint but I really do not know what I want to eat - and that makes me question whether I should eat.

At least I am not eating becasue its breakfast time and I 'should eat something'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you just have to be your own guru although out of all the methods and intuitive eating books I have read - Paul is still my favourite