Sunday 2 August 2009

End of a long hard day

I did an impressive 30 minutes on the Wiifit this morning , 2 reps of the step plus, 10 minutes of free jogging, and 10 minutes free stepping. I also did some gardening this afternoon. That ws more for therapeutic reasons as stress release but it was still excercise I reckon I did close to 4000 steps just on the Wiifit today. If I coudl do that every day I would be well pleased.

Food went well this morning. I had breakfast of shredded wheat and banana, then later (an lot later when Tony got up) I made bacon butties. Then the phne went and it was the hospital telling me Edna was unwell - and that was when the chocolate craving cut in and the stress levels went up.

I was actually OK until after I visited her at the hospital, and the gardening did help reduce the stress -but I have hit the biscuit barrel (chocolate chip cookies) quite hard this evening. I did manage to eat dinner slowly and then had a healthy desert but the cookies were feeling suicidal all evening. Its the closest I've come to a binge for months.

My head and my emotions are in turmoil at the moment. Its silly becasue whatever is wrong with her is treatable - but I have a bad feeling about the situatiom.

I dont think blogging tonight is going to be that helpful in helping me sort out my thoughts and get some sleep - but at least I have still made an entry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh Sally please can you tell me what a bacon buttie is - I was once going to do a blog post about it as I have heard of them for years but have no idea what it means

I hope some sleep helped settle the emotions