Monday 31 August 2009

The quest for health

I got frustrated and annoyed with myself yesterday when my reiki meditation didnt go well. With some help I worked out that a bit of me was angry that I was giving myself something else to do. Do I really have time to learn about reiki when I have to work, do things for Edna , want to spend quality time with those I love....................

The answer is reiki is all about good health and balance. It is SO much more than just the mystical laying on of hands to treat an illness. It is also all about the health of the practitioner. In a way I have been trying to carry out the 5 principals of Reiki for 3 years without realising it.

This blog has been about my health - both physical and mental - during challenging times. Times are still challenging. I have to go and see Edna today and already I can feel my stomach tying itself up in knots as I wonder what I will find when I get there.

I need to be healthy to cope with everything.

So apart from failed meditation how did yetserday go?

A bit iffy. I didnt go for formal excercise. Instead I did some maojr tidying and cleaning so my bderoom is now avaliable for meditation. It was very VERY therapeutic. OK not cardio - but it was still exercise - and I was hard at it for a couple of hours.

Food was OK ish - but food always goes a bit off at holiday times. The days when I would binge at a weekeknd are long LONG gone. OK biscuits are crips were part of my diet - but I was hungry when I ate them.

So I dont have anything to feel guilty about. I haven't broken any of Pauls rules.

Tuning in today I feel a bit tired - a bit of niggle in my back and with my IBS but nothing serious. Emotionally I feel motivated - which after yesterdays frustration is great. The thought however is downbeat. How will Edna be.

But I feel ready to cope with whatever the day throws at me


Anonymous said...

Reiki is something you can do for you. You spend a lot of time doing things for other people, don't say you can't find time for yourself :( learning something new is always hard and takes some time to learn

Hope you hang in there

Sally said...

I am hanging in there never fear. This feels so right. I am not giving up.