Wednesday 5 August 2009

Sparkpeople Philosophy

You can't turn on a country music station without hearing a song about someone down on their luck. But what about those around you? Think about how much it means to you to receive a note in the mail from a caring friend when you're going through a hard time. Use those warm feelings to compel you to spread the love to others. We all need such encouragement and often we forget that it's okay not to be the pillar of strength when life has us by the tail. Throw your arms around someone today who might need a good squeeze, send a card to a co-worker who needs cheering up, or bake a special treat for your ill child. Friends are precious, not just in the sunshine of life, but especially in the shade.

Normally I read the healthy reflection and am either neutral (doesn't mean much) or positive . I post those on here.

This one I feel almost hostile about because I feel as if I do more than my fair share of helping others in need of support. I know its worse today because of Edna's situation, but my reaction to the above was to think. 'What about me? I need someone to do those things for me?

I think I am more down than I realised - and I need to recognise that and take appropriate action.

I do feel fairly good about myself this morning because I managed my ten ten ten routine - and clocked up over 2500 virtual K on the free jogging.

I am also having a healthy breakfast - fruit and fibre with kiwi fruit, skimmed milk and a glass of apple juice - whihc I am eating slowly.

Hopefully tonight proper blog entry will be a positive one

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