Sunday 30 August 2009

The day after reiki

I had a great day yesterday. Food was mainly under the control of somone else yesterday. I Sue kept me going on tomato soup with crusty bread (yum) and chocolate hobnobs (double yum) I didnt OD on the biscuits. In fact I didnt OD on food yesterday at all. My diet wasnt that healthy - but it was moderate in quantity.

What I didn't do yesterday was any exercise :-(

Tuning in today I dnt feel like doing any exercise today either . I have had a bad nights sleep - but I am not going to allow that to interfere. And I am going to give myself a gentle kick up the backside and I will either go for a walk or a swim today.

Inevitably I ended up discussing my CYLI7D experinence with Sue (my reiki teacher) . And of course my wieght loss struggle. Sue was very supportive - and said given the stress of the past few months to have not put wieght on is close to miraculous. I have to say she made me feel very good about myself.

I am very exited about the reiki .It has given me a lot to think about. So I do feel quite motivated today to get to grips with my problems. Thats why although I dont feel like moving I know I will .

My first problem is I am very hungry - so I need some breakfast before I do anything else

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am really glad the reiki day went well. I know that I gain weight when stressed so I too am impressed at your coping mechanisms