Sunday 2 August 2009

From Spark people

Exercise can be extremely uplifting! Marathon runners often talk about a "runner's high." Not only does working out help your physical body become stronger and more resilient, but it also has many pluses for your mind. Taking time out of your day to exercise gives you a chance to let go of your worries, calm your mind, and concentrate on one thing--which seems impossible to most moms! Running works for most people, as you can set the pace and distance to suit your skill level. Start slowly by doing a combination of stretching, walking, and light jogging. Then gradually work up to a routine that elevates your heart rate. Be careful not to start out too fast--it might lead to discouragement and muscle soreness that will make you never want to put on your running shoes again. Pretty soon you'll be able to intensify your workout to incorporate quicker paces and longer sessions. Endurance and setting a healthy pace are keys to long-term success.

Just the kick I needed to get my back on track after a day when despite good intentions I didn;t excercise.

Time to turn on the Wii fit I think

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I have had a runners high, it happened in 2006 but I remember it clearly (i was only running a 5k at the time) I felt it other times but only short bursts.

I am turning on the wii fit too :)