Monday 3 August 2009

Ten ten ten

Thats my name for the new Wii fit routine I have worked out. 10 minutes stpe plus, 10 minutes free jogging and 10 minutes free stepping. I managed to do it this morning before I left for work. I only managed a little over 200o on the free jogging and just over 1200 on the free step - but I am easily doing more than the 2500 stpes that is the average difference between normal wirg and overwieght peopel. And the jogging also clunts as cardio.

I am wondering if it is a good idea to do it every day though, This morning at work I felt light eaded and wobbly - almost as if I was about to faint so I am wondering if I shoudl try that every other day ad maybe just do a walk on the days in between.

But the main thing is I am getting back in the habit of doing excercise.

Food went well - until the game in the evening when I hit the biscuit barrel. I have felt quite hungry all day and it seems to be real not emotional - but I am not sufre. I had some worrying information from the hopsital which got me a bt uptight and the chocolate craving was back.

At the moment tuning into my body physically - I am tired and hungry, emotionally I am worried and the question is ' what will happen at the hospital tomorrow when we start planning Edna's care package

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it should be an every other day workout. That's great your enjoying exercise again