Friday 28 August 2009

Looking forward to the weekend

Its Friday morning and I am looking forward to the weekend even though I am working out how best to juggle my various priorities so I fit everything in a still have a decent stretch of quality time with Tony. Tony's night owl habits help here. It leaves me my mornings free to do things. But the key point for THIS weekend is my first day of reiki training whihc will take effectively all day. I wont be home until 5.30. And I somehow MUST fit in a trip to purchase and deliver food to her.

So I have a challenging weekend ahead - but its a long weekend - Monday is a bank holiday so no work! I really want to do some of it tonight - but that causes problems with getting to Andy's on time. Still this sort of logistical problem is what I am good at. I will solve it.

I didnt leap up the moment the alarm went off today - but I did get up 15 minutes after. Thats an improvement on the last two days when I didnt wake up until 45 minutes after the alarm went off.

Tuning in - I feel tired and have niggling discomfort in my back and with my IBS. I am also hungry but not sure what I want to eat. Emotionally I am anxious - about Edna about how I will manage everything over the weekend. Thought /question is will I manage everything I want to do?

I have used the wiifit this morning. Only for 10 minutes but I used it. Only step plus which isnt that energetic but at least I was moving. Part of me is thinking about taking a short walk before I go to work . Watch this space later to see if I did! So it seems exercise is still in my psyche.

And not eating mindlessly is still there as well - thats why i havent had breakfast yet becasue I dont know what I want.

I did do some snacking yesterday evening - but it was concious - and I didnt just wolf the biscuits down. I do savour what I put into my mouth.

I am still content with the idea of maintaining the status quo while life is so disrupted with Edna. My mantra while frestepping last night was 'BMI of 34' which divides nicely into 4 for a complete 4 step sycle.( BM - I of - thirty - four) OK daft I know - but at least I am keeping my goal in mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you really enjoy the Reiki training. Have a wonderful weekend x