Sunday 2 August 2009

A kick up the backside?

The reflection from Sparkpeople was VERY timely. Despite my good intentions I didn't exercise yesterday. In fact yesterday turned out to be a very bad day foodwise as well. So I am sitting here this morning feeling very ashamed and guilty full of resolve to do better.

I am going to be honest about the food disaster. We had fish and chips for dinner from the chip shop. It was an enormous portion. I didnt eat as sowly as I should, and I ate it ALL. Tony left some of his and normally so do I. I dont know what went wrong. I really felt hungry. But this morning I can feel that dinner lying sluggish in my guts like a lead weight.

I feel hungry but haven't eaten yet - like yesterday I dont know what I want. And I think that means I am not REALLY hungry at all.I think I misread things yesterday as well.

My IBS is playing up and I have taken a double dose of Movicol this morning. I know that is contributing to the lead weight feeling.

It is a lovely day - but apparently rather chilly. I could go for a walk, or I could just turn on the Wii fit. Yesterday I felt a bit shaky when I was out shopping . I think I will opt for the wi fit as a safe option since I can stop and sit down if I want to.

I am probably going to change my blogging routine and do this blog before I go to bed. I have a feeling it will help me clear my mind and help me get to sleep. So I am going to turn the laptop off, and turn the wiifit ON and 'move my body'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sally I have not had a good eating weekend either.

I have decided to listen to pauls exercise track over the next 9 weeks