Sunday 16 August 2009

That Sunday morning feeling

Itrs 7.30 on a Sunday morning - and ere I am in bed with my laptop, toast and coffee. Should I be worried that I am not up and excersising? Tuning in physically I have a lot of very minor niggles in my back, my left knee, my left acchilles tendon, along with a slight headache. I am also hungry . So food comes first. My emotions are calm - or do I mean still half asleep. And the queation on my mind is should I be excercising rather than lying here? I think the answer to that is no.

I did a LOT yesterday. My workout, an hour walking and shopping and some serious tidying upstairs. I am at last starting Steve's old room the ide being to clear it out so it can be used as a bedroom again (Mike is in their right now!) but more importantly as storage. I want my bedroom to LOOK like a bedroom - and be a calm place where I can meditate. I also want the living room to be less cluttered. I spent an hour starting that yesterday. So its not surprising I feel tired today. I can always excercise later anyway. Maybe go swimming, or just do some balance games or yoga. So to answer the question I orinially asked no I don't think I should be worried. I am in the habit of building exercise into my day and that is the habiy I need. Getting up early to do it is NOT a neccesity. Right now I am doing what my body and mind what me to do - whihc is not a lot

I drank a glass of water before I did anything today. I was very thirsty. I think my next new habit (now exercise and eating slowly) may be drinking more water. It will be good for me on so many levels.

It took me 20 minutes to finish my toast. I think I am getting the hang of slow eating. I am not past the tipping point yet though - but I am getting there.

I think I can say I feel confident about things today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hardly ever eat toast as I so don't like the sliced bread here but I just realised that I have some vegemite in the pantry and and I am going to have toast...yum.

Decluttering is therapeutic - I love it