Tuesday 4 August 2009

Not such a good day

I overslept after having bad dreams. The alarm was welcome actually as it woke me out of a very unpleasant dream. So I got off to a bad start and it kind of went downhill from there.

I onlt did 10 minutes on the Wii fit this mornign and havne't had the energy to do the other 20 minutes tonight.

I seem to have been rushing all day - and that always plays havoc with food, Brealfast was OK, but I spent my lunch time driving home, then went straight to the hospital, then helped Steve with some shoppping, then came home. So I snacked . A banana, rice cakes and cheese, buscuits etc.

The hospital visit was stressful (see other blog) and I left with the normal chocolate craving.

Dinner was quite healthy (pok kebas, vegetables and noodles, followed by strawberries and ice cream - but the biscuit barel has been hit tonight, and I still feel hungry

tomorrow can only be better

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hit the biscuit barrel today too :(