Thursday 27 August 2009

Positively postive

It is almost exatly 12 hours since I made my last entry. In those 12 hours I have

Been to work
Been to see Edna
Cooked dinner from real ingredients when I got home
And (drum roll please) done 30 minutes free stepping and clocked up 3597 steps counted by the board.

Work seemed to play to my strengths today - lots of chances to talk to patients - and a difficult doctor to talk to. I played a key role in sorting out supplies of a very crucial drug for one lady - who was extrmely grateful for my efforts - even if her doctor wasn't too impressed. The stores manager when he heard the tale said he was going to email the doctor and let her know how unreasonable her bahviour was - and he thanked me for my efforts with the problem. That felt good

See the other blog for details of my visit to Edna - it could have goen better - but could have gone a LOT worse.

Dinner was a triumph . fresh ingredients ,real food and I enjoyed being in the kitchen. I reminded myself I ama pretty good cook.

I feel tired after the free stepping - but the serotinin is having its effect and I feel pretty good at the moment.

All tis diesn't mean all the problems I was ithering about this morning ave gone - but I have had reminders about things I am good at - and I no longer feel like a failure - whihc was how I felt this morning.

The emotional hunger seems to have gone. I am still not eating as slowly as I should - but I am regainign control.

I am confident I am not going to give in to massive comfort eating - and put on loads of weight. I may not lose much - but I will settle for not putting weight on and count it a success in the present circumstances

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That all sounds so much more positive :)