Wednesday 1 July 2009

Dealing with emotion

Ignoring emotion is a sure way to let the emotion take over your life. Thats why talking things through is such a useful thing. It enables you to deal with the issue. So I need to deal with the issue of Tony's nephew.

I saw he had updated his FB status - ot was nothing in particular but it showed he had been n FB - and he hadn't re[pled to my message. So I sent him anothermessage that basically said until the issue of the money was resolved he and Emma were not welcome at ours. I also told him to grow up. No wthat DID get a response - a tirade at me. So he and Emma are off my FB friends list and Tony has replied on my behalf. Sadly he has also reported Emma to the benefit fraud hotline since we are sure she is still claiming single parent benefit despite the fact that Steve is living with her. In fact as Steve has a job she isnt entitled to ANY benefits.

I dont feel happy about any of this but I am not going to be a doormat. I dont expect to get the money back. I dont really NEED the money back - but I am not going to be used. In fact if by some chance I do get the money back I will probably donate it to charity. I just want Steve to stop hurtng his family.

When I went for a walk yetsreday I wore a pair of shorts I hadn't worn for some time that always used to be quite tight. they are not tight any more. So even though food did not go brilliantly yetserday I still feel good about myself. I have lost weight.

What d I mean by food not going brilliantly? It means I didnt eat as slowly as I would have liked but I managed to avoid any bingeing. I am still eating too many biscuits but crips have been off the menu for a long time . But even my numbers of biscuits is down. And once choclate bars were onthe menu every day. Now they are a rare treat.

I no longer eat unless I am hungry. Sadly work makes eating when I am hungry tricky but if circumstances force me to have a lunch break before I am truly hungry I will only eat half my lunch. And my lunches are a lot smaller than they used to be. Excercixe is now part of my daily routine.

I have been blogging for a year. When I think about where I was a year ago I am pleased. I have lost a bit weight - but the big acheivment is that I havent put wirght on in an emotional eating binge.

I am not quite where I intended to be when I started blogging, but I have moved towards where I want to be - and discovered lots of things about myself on the way.

I have also discovered a new friend. Thank you Sharon for your support.

Blogging itelf is incredibly helpful so although I have survived the major chnages I faced a year ago, my life is still very fluid. So this blog will go on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like reading about your progress :)

Yay about the shorts - it is a great feeling when your clothes are looser.

As for the money - I think it's good that you questioned him about paying you. Will they know it is you who reported them? either doesn't matter - they are doing the wrong thing and he sounds like he has no regard for other people.