Friday 17 July 2009

Self love is the only weight loss aid that works in the long run

Like Martha Graham, who said that "The body is a sacred garment. It's your first and last garment; it is what you enter life in and what you depart life with, and it should be treated with honor," Jenny Craig seems to know a thing or two about caring for your body and your self. In the Garden of Eden, eating was modeled as one of life's most pleasurable experiences. But then Eve took a bite out of that apple (so much for the low calorie, low fat, high fiber theory), and women (and men) have been at war with food ever since. Both of these quotes reflect this fact. Are your weight issues really a symptom of something else--boredom, depression, regret, or rejection? At the root of many issues is our self-loathing at worst, our self-indifference at best. Food is not the enemy. We are. Break the cycle of dieting and replace it with loving yourself enough to make good choices about your diet. Examine your eating habits this week. Are you honoring your body with your food choices? How can you love yourself back to a healthy relationship with eating? Take steps towards defeating the natural compulsion or craving that might take you down a path of regretful eating. Remember the sacredness of your own skin.

I've never heard of Jenny Craig (the author of the quote in the title) but she is described as a 'diet guru' She may or may not be be - but I understand what she means with every fibre of my body.

Once I used to feel everyone disliked me , only put up with me. It took CYLI7D to get me to realise that the problem was I dislked me. Right now I dislike me a lot - but I now have the self awareness to realise it is because I am bone tired,and stressed. I am not going to work today. I need to stop rushing and concentrate on the important things . And one of those important things is my health and well being becasue I will be no good to man or beast if I sink back into depression.

Food was a disaster yesterday.

Breakfast was OK but lunch was (I think) crispbreads and peanut butter and I grabbed a banana to eat in the car as I drove to the hospital. I drove from the hospital to Edna's flat to pick up some things for her and had a couple of chocolate biscuits. I got home and finally sat down and had biscuits with a cup of tea. Dinner was a leftovers meal, Fairly healthy stuff on the whole - and to be fair I didnt finish all ine. I recognised I was getting full so I stopped eating. But later on I raided the biscuit barrel very seriosuly and I had a bedtime snack of crispbread and peanut butter.

That finishes the confession about food. Excercise was also a bust becasue I was too tired /too busy to fit anything in. I didnt drink mch water and guess what? I didnt do anything that resembles the mirror excercise.

The problem is I have lost 'me' in the rush to try and sort out Edna and make sure she is OK. "I' don't matter any more - at that is how I feel. Ironically I keep having the thought that I am going to develop some horrible health problem (flu,cancer,heart disease) which means I am going to die. I keep thinking that I need to make sure my will is in order and that I have made arrangments for Tony to receive my pension after my death.

So having confessed all that what am I going to do about it? I am NOT going to ignore the feelings. I need to honour them and hear the message tney are giving me, because by doing that I will be loving myself.

Thanks to Mr McKenna's training (and the message from Beyond Chocolate and Sparkpeople) I am not going to feel that having had one bad day and messed up I might as well forget abut trying to lose weight. I couldn't go back to my old eating patterns . I hae practised Paul's rules too long now and they are habit now - as yesterdays dinner showed. OK I indulged in some confort eating - probably because I didnt eat when I was hungry. And I didnt eat when I was hungry becasue I was rushing. But the thing is Edna wouldnt have sufferred if I had taken the time to sit an eat something a little more substantial. All that would have happened would be that I would have been about 20 minutes later getting to the hospital .

I need to get my priorities right. So the first thing I am going to do is go for a walk, get some freah air and some calm. I have had a large mug of coffee but don't really feel hungry yet. Maybe the walk will give me an appetite?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do they not have Jenny Craig weight loss centres over there?

I really admire the way you think positive at times of stress - it's really inspiring to me.

I am looking forward to catching up on your posts when I get home

take care