Tuesday 8 July 2008

Good intentions?

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. My very good intention of yesterday sadly came to nothing today. In fact today has been pretty awful. But I am going to try and find some positive aspects if it kills me!

It started off with the washing machine breaking down witha full load in it. That was NOT a good start at all but I did manage to act rather than moan. I rang the engineer and he is coming on Thirsday morning.

Woek did not go well, I made some silly mistakes, one of which may have led to some CD's going missing. I also made some silly syetm errors - mainly with blister packs - but ended up feeling more laibility than anything else, On the lus side I did make an intervention on CCU. So I haven't totally lost my touch. But my doubts about how well I can cope under stress are not getting any less - and that is a key factor in any decision I will make about my future career.

So on to the real reason fro this blog - a replacment for the 90 day success journal - success there's a laugh.

OK I haven't listend to the tape, but I have folowed the 4 golden rules to the best of my ability. I used the car so didn't 'move my body' as much as I would have liked. I did drink some water, I managed to smile at myse;f in the mirror.

I haven't eaten cripss for days and have only had 2 biscuits today. I have resisted sweets as well over the past 2 days. I have enjoyed what I have eaten, felt full and on the whole have only eaten when I was hungry. I haven't taken a snack to bed with me for several days now.

I should feel good - but I don't. My worry over work is just too great. Hope tomorrow will be better. It can't be any worse

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