Sunday 31 May 2009

Chicken or Egg

So does changing your life change you, or when you change yourself do you automatically change yur life?

Answers on a postcard please to...........

I think changing yourself can have unexpected rewards when yur life changes as a result. But I alos think if you set out - as I did 3 years ago - to change your life you cannot help but change yourself.

The peraon I was 3 years ago couldnt have used ICMYT. The peerson I am now can see through ICMYT to the reality of what lies behind the rules.

Yesterday food went OK although excercise was a bit lacking - it was too hot to do too much. I didnt stick strictly to the rules - but I know I ate less than I would have done on a day like that before. Yesd a box of flapjack bites got demolished by the three of us (Micheal was round) and if I'm honet I wasnt really hungry when I ate a couple of them. But my dinner was much smaller than normal and I was staisfied by it.

I think the real message of ICMYT is 'listen to your body' . I am much more aware of the 'full' signal than I ever used to be. I know I couldnt stuff myself to bursting point the way I used to. Now when I am full I know it.

My Wiifit goal day is next Saturday. I know I wont have lost as much as I originally intended - but what I have acheived in the ast few weeks in terms of positive self image is far mor evaluable than pounds lost anyway. I can see I look slimmer than I used to.

I am also beggining to see new possibilities for myself in all sorts of areas. I really do feel good about myself this morning. So I have eaten breakfast - becasue I was hungry. I amabout to get in a wii fit workout while it still cool enough to do so, and I intend to enjoy the rest of the weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL I should have included a post card with the package! I think it works both ways really.

I weighed in today and the news is not good for me. I have gained about 5 or 6 lbs since my running went down so i am re-reading Pauls book today and I got up and walked with Macey at 5am today. I will go for a run tomorrow after I drop her at school as I am back into my training program now.

I will weigh again in 2 weeks and then stick to a monthly weigh in.