Tuesday 26 May 2009

So much to do

I dint even want to talk about food yesterday. It was a total disaster and if I am honest all the rules went by the wayside - apart from the one about eating what you want. My main 'crime' was eating when I was not truly hungry - and I re-subscribed to the clean plate club. I realised I hadn't listened to the CD for a few days . Cause and effect????

But that was yesterday this is today - and a very busy today it is too. I HAVE to get Edna's medication problem sorted out. But I have made time to lositen to the CD and to meditate. Although I woke later than usual - which meant the CD had to be fitted in as part of my dressing routine - I have managed to everything I NEED to do and still have a plan that enables me to make all the phone calls I need and et to work. Basically I am going to get to work early and make the phone calls from there.

I feel chuffed I have found time to make this blog entry- and I feel I have gained an insight into why Ghandi said once that he had so much to do he would need to meditate twice a long. The meditation focussed my thougths on problem solving rather than moaning about the problems. They havent gone away but I now have ideas how I can solve them.

The only real sacrifice that I have made this morning is my workout was just 10 minutes of yoga - but I know I can fot in 20 minutes tonight with little problem.

So I am positive about today despite the problems - and I am much more positive that I will manage food MUCH better than yesterday. To be honest from yesterday the only way is up!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a wonderful day today Sally.

ps: I keep accidentally writing Kathy as I have been emailing my friend Kathy a lot today - if I did write that on any of my messages today I am so sorry :) I will blame it on jetlag

pss: Mat is going to put those tracks on a CD for me tonight and I will go to the post office this week. Would you mind emailing or PM me in facebook an address so I can send it out to you