Tuesday 31 March 2009

Blogging for therapeutic reasons

Its a bad sign when I post twice in one day. I am very tired, still got the tail end of my cold, have slight IBS flare up and am feeling very down . I haven't been sleeping well lately and I think it is catching up with me. I may resort to medication tonight.

Work is going OK but I am so glad I leave at 3.30. I couldn't cope with working a full day. But as that is now all I get paid for ....well who cares. I don't feel at ALL guilty when I down tools and walk out of the dispensary even if the trays are full of work.

I am controlling food OK and resisting the urge to comfort eat. I have just refused a biscuit even though I am hungry. I will make myself something nce and fruity in a bit.

I am not sure I will do my free stepping today - but I have done a lot of walking at work.

I just hope I sleep well tonight and feel better in the morning.

I am definitely down - but not out. Tomorrow WILL be a better day....... I hope


Sally said...

Blogging really is therapeutic. As soon as I finished I thought I'd see how I got on with the Wii fit. I couldn't face 20 minute free stepping. So I did an island lap - and then 10 minutes free stepping. I thonk the nice men in white coats may be here soon - but I do feel better.

Anonymous said...

yay you for still getting on the wii :)

don't you love it when your hungry and you would rather wait for something you want to eat rather than settle for just whatever is there at the time.

I am craving fruits and salad lately

Sally said...

I sure do feel I am much more in control of food that I was.