Monday 23 March 2009

Back at work

Well I am as ready as I will ever be. I am nervous and it is a nervousness that my whole body reflects because my back and neck are twinging. But I know that is all psychological.

My morning routine is going OK. I was up at 6.30 after a reasonablish nights sleep. I have got my lunch (mixed salad prepared yesterday just taken out of the fridge). I have done my 15 minute workout (3 yoga, the 3 associated muscle at max reps) And I am now eating breakfast (2 weetabix,a kiwi fruit and yoghurt) which I am eating slowly . I had a glass of water when I got up. I often feel thirsty when I wake in the night so I think I need to concentrate on drinking more during the day and maybe take a glass of water to bed with me.

Anyway I am well on schedule to leave in good time to get to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:( I know this was a week ago but I hope the nerves didn't take long to settle.

I get psychological back pain when I am anxious. I went thru a period two years ago in therapy for child hood abuse and for 12 months I was in excrutiating pain in my back as I dealt emotionally with the issues. I am now okay pain wise and emotionally. It is amazing how the body reacts to things.