Sunday 22 March 2009

I am nervous

Tonmorrow is my fiorst day at QE as a locum - and I am nervous. I need to spend today making sure I am as ready as possible so I donl;t have a rush in the morning.

Food yetsreday was OK - but was SO unheatlhy. Dinner was fish and chips, followed by tiramasu and ice cream. Lunch was a sausage roll. Somewhere alnog the way I had a snack of Ryvita and peanut butter. But fruit and veg were conspicuous by their absence I'm afraid. But I didn't overeat, didn't snack, didn't have any biscuits - and DID up the free steppping fromn 20 minutes to 30 minutes.

Today I am going to try and pre-cook some lunches for the week ahead. Cooking is very therapuetic and makes me feel very positive.

I have been up nearly an hour and havent yet had breakfast. My stomach still feels leaden from yetserdays unhealthy food. There is a lesson there for me. I haven't done my morning workout yet either but I will do it quite soon.

I feel a bit down because it is Mothers day and I know Steve is unlikeley to acknowledge that fact - even by wishing me a happy mother's day. He certainly won't be around to spoil me by cooking dinner! Ah well thats kids for you


Sally said...

I have just done a brilliant workout. Al my normal excersise, plus an island jog and some balance games. I managed to get to level 8 on the table tilting game when I've never even got pased level one before and I did the Zazen excercise for the first time and clocked up 134 seconds beasting Tony and Mike by LOADS. I got a burn rate of 227 on the island jog and found it very easy. So the workout has left me feeling VERY good about myself.

Anonymous said...

I hope your Mothers' day turned out to be happy Sally. Our mothers' day is in May