Sunday 31 January 2010

So how did the day go?

I know there are a number of people following this blog who use Paul McKenna's program as the focus of their weght loss . They will no doubt be curious about how the day went and what the great man is like. Well it was a great day - he is a total looney ! We frequently ended up in fits of laughter.

I was worried that I wouldn't get much out of the day because obviously a lot of it was repetition of rules that I know already. But Paul really does have a hypnotic personality and I suspect he utilised loads of psychological tricks to re-inforce the messages in our brains. Even the music was chosen with care. As we all left for the lunch break they played ' A little less conversation and a little more action' The message was very clear -' this is your first chance to act on what I have been telling you'

He did some demonstratios with memebers of the audience using visualizations and the tapping technique to help improve peoples self image, reduce cravings. And they were always repeated with the audience en masse. Trust me I didnt know I could make myself so queasy by imagining eating something disgusting - and I am a veteran of visualization techniques.

The most interesting bit for me wasn't Paul tho. It was the 30 minutes presented by his colleague who is the expert on TFT - thought field therapy - which is the basis of the tapping technique.Now I have always been sceptical about this - but his presentation and the demonstrations he did with all of us - as well as the one-to-one demos - certainly made me re-think my position.

It wasn't that I found a massive reduction in a craving - I dont really get cravings. It was the other things he demonstrated with TFT that had me going 'wow'

Try this when you have a moment. Stand up straight with you eyes closed and think 'yes'. The chances are you will move slightly forward. Then get back to your starting position and think 'no' you will move in the opposite direction. Now think about drinking water. Since water is very good for everyone you will move in the 'yes' direction' Now think about a food. If you move in the positive direction that food is OK for you eat (or drink) If you move in the negative direction then you shouldn't eat or drink it. And it can change from day to day apparently. You can still eat or drink something that registers as a 'no' but be prepared to feel bloated and lethargic later' Its your choice.

You can replicate the 'yes/no' thing by rubbing your thumb and forefinger together . Smooth is yes, rough is no.

But it was another demonstration of TFT tat had me going 'wow' I can't remember now why he asked us to do it but we all tapped the base of our hands (the edge leading to the little finger) and we all felt a tingle. 'Thats chi' he annonced. And suddenly I found myself realising this could all link in with reiki.

He himself said it looked almost like withcraft - and it does. But I know full well that your subconscious mind can reveal things through your body if you let it. And that looks like witchcraft too. So I felt a lot of things fall into place. I need to learn more about TFT

I came away in a great mood - which was sadly and abruptly ended when I got involved in car accident on the way home. I am shaken up but OK - but I think my car is a write off. No one was hurt and although I now have to face the bureaucracy of making a claim, I think the worst that can happen is I lose some money on the replacement of the car and the inevitable excess fee that has to be paid. I may also find my insurance company doesn't want to keep me as a customer when I renew so they will give me an expensive quote .

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