Friday 22 January 2010

A good day

I think I can report that yesterday was a good day all round yesterday. Work went well, food went well, I drank more water, and I managed to eat more slowly. Three cheers for me!

Ironically as I was slowly eating my lunch I overheard some of my colleagues joking about 'I can make you think' and how it couldn't work. I am determined now to show them it does.

Todays healthy reflection was all about time management and not wasting time. I even feel I am making progress on that front because Tony and I have just taken a bit of a stand with a friend and pulled out of an activity they really wnated us to continue with. So my Friday evenings are now free again - and I can use them for study.

As I type this I am having breakfast - and I have a glass of water. I am eating the breakfast slowly.I have done 2 workout routines (warm up and legs and hips) and my back stood up to it OK - although I was starting to feel some discomfort in my back and leg by the end. But I should be able to do something this evening as well.

So a good day yesterday - and today is starting out well.

To anyone reading this blog who is currently stuck , or fed up that they are not making the progress they would like, take heart. If I can get myself back on track, anyone can with the right attitude. Go for it !

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