Sunday 10 January 2010

Am I being a bit wooly in my goals?

Getting specific about your goals

Are your goals detailed enough for you to reach them? We all have aspirations and we are better off for having made them. But if your goals are too vague or unstructured, you'll find that attaining them is difficult. Wanting to lose 30 pounds is a wonderful goal, but you need a plan to get you on the right track. These things don't happen overnight. Today, think about your goals and form a plan to achieve them. Write them down, chart your progress, refer to them as often as you need to stay on track, and most importantly, hold yourself accountable.

This reflection got me thinking. The last line hit home especially on the morning after the snacking before. Why did I have so much stuff last night? coconut ice, pringles,coconut, and biscuits. So I need to hold myself accountable for tat and work out why I did it? That is not going to be easy but I will try.

Meantime listening to what my body is telling me this morning it is telling me I was a glutton last night and that it doesn't want ANY breakfast at all thank you. That is an easy request to fulfill.

So do I specific goals and a plan to reach them? I think I do. I can do a regular review of how (or whether) I have kept the golden rules. And I have my exercise goals.

The only reason I will fail is if I give up on myself , or am dishonest about whether I am really sticking to the rules. I didnt yesterday thats for certain. But that was yesterday, today is another day and I can do better

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