Tuesday 12 January 2010


Thats all I can do walking in this *********** snow. I have had a few near misses - but haven't actually fallen so far. But the near misses are taking a toll on my back which is very unhappy at the moment

Food went well until the evening yesterday. MHL is in a the middle of a 7 night run and for some reason it seems to be an excuse to snack. We have loads of stuff in left over from christmas. It isnt emotional eating - at least I dont think it is. I dont feel stressed or emotional. But maybe it was. Work ended on a bad note and maybe I brought some angst home with me.

I clocked up a massive 194 calories in exercise yesterday with an extra 20 minutes free step. I only meant to do 10 but selected the wrong option. I think that may be another reason why my back is unhappy .

This morning I am undecided what to do with the wii fit - if anything. Doing a 'beyond choc' tune in

Physical - discomfort in my back.
Emotion - worry
Thought - dont really want to anything today workout or work.

Sadly I can't act on that last thought I MUST move and get to work. The wii fit can wait I have decided.

I am not hungry this morning at all. In fact I don't think my needs are physical at all. I think they are mental and spiritual. So this morning I will concentrate on that. As long as I have fruit and cereal bars available I don't have to worry about feeling hungry at work. And I always enjoy them . If I fancy something like a fried egg sandwich I can always have one later in the day - and thought keeps the majority of craving s away.

Arrgghhh things feel as if they are getting messy.

I just found this form beyond chocolate in an email about why we overeat

Overeating is a habit for a good reason, because in the moment it works, it does what we want it to do, it soothes, distracts, stuffs, comforts, punishes... when we overeat we don't have to say no to ourselves or to anyone else, we don't have to deal with tricky situations or people or feelings...

It was the word 'punish' that stood out so I suspect that may be part of my problem - but if it is what am I punishing myself for?

Something to think about.

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