Sunday 3 January 2010

Being childlike rather than childish

From Sparkpeople
'Children are so convinced of their ways and implicitly trust their own instincts. Clearly if it tastes good, it must be good for you! Delight in the experiences of your youth today. Reflect upon the simple pleasures of carefree living. What can you do to indulge yourself in a healthy way? Put down the bills and laundry and have a tea party or puppet show. Take a spin on the swing set or jump on the bed. Not only will you burn off some energy, but you'll also be taken back to an innocent, worry-free time in your life. A time when you wore pajamas with feet and weren't such a big girl. Remember the importance of an occasional childlike moment.

I know I need to trust my instincts more . I like the bit about 'If it tastes good it mst be good for you' Thats what Paul's programme is all about isn't it?

I am still feeling distinctly unwell. Very tired, total lack of energy, eyes and nose a bit runny. Chest tight - although its better since I did some reiki self healing last night.

I haven't done a full exercise routine for several days because I didnt have the energy. I think I need to remember my new year resolution wasn't about exercise and weight loss but remembering that I matter and that I am worth taking time and trouble over. And if that means not going to work so I can shake off whatever this is - then I dont go to work. Thank god I can afford NOT to go to work for a week.

Food yesterday was MUCH better. This morning I am not hungry - but could drink for Britain. I am going to turn the wii fit on and see what I can do. But I think I will just go for some fun and relaxation rather than calorie burn. But I will stop when I feel my legs dont want to hold me up - or when I hit 30 minutes- whichever comes sooner.

I know routine is important for me if I am to get anywhere in anything and my routine is get up have a drink and use the wii fit. So lets try and stick to that as much as I can. Lets face it kids need routine too!

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