Thursday 21 January 2010

Backwatch day 3

I had a wonderful massage last night. I found I was surprisingly unconcerned about standing in my bra panties in fron of a male friend! Steve gave me lots of advice including a better way to walk downstarirs (sideways) and to take it easy after the massage I didnt quite believe that and did some stepping last night and some yoga this morning. I had to give up the yoga because it started to hurt my back so I guess he was right. Well of course he was right!! The thrid bit of advice was to drink more water. Why am I not surprised? I lost the water habit but MUST get back into it it.

There are trigger points when I need to drink water. I always have a glass of water by the bed, I need to make sure that gets drunk first thing. I always have a 50ml bottle of water at work. I need to empty that. I need to drink after I meditate and with every meal. I WILL increase my water intake.

In myself I feel better. Work is going better now and I am a lot happier with that. I will soon be able to arrange my second reiki training and move forward on that. I feel in control of my life again - and it is wonderful.

What has changed? I guess the answer is me. My situation is still the same but I am viewing it with more optimistic eyes. Being out of pain also helps a lot.

Just over a week until the weight loss day with Paul McKenna. REALLY looking forward to that

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