Saturday, 13 February 2010

Working things out

Yesterday was extremely tiring at work.My workout time was 5 minutes in the morning. I had no energy to day anything else in the evening.

But this morning I did 30 minutes straight off. It was only free step - but its 30 minutes of moving my body and that is all that matters.

Food yesterday wasn't too bad. No biscuit or chocolate fests when I wasn't really hungry - but my dessert yesterday was biscuits rather than fruit. I was tired and a little bit anxious about things and I guess my body needed the carbs and sugar.

I got an unexpected offer of work last night.An agency I didnt even know had my details rang me out of the blue to say that a had a vacancy for a part time locum at a hospital in Birmingham. That's the good news. The bad news is its only 15 hours a week - half what I want to work AND I think the hourly rate may be lower than now. But I am not committed to anything. I have asked for more details. And I can leave at a weeks notice if something better comes up

I reckon 15 hours a week is better than nothing - but I am not sure how good my chaces are of finding something that is more hours a week are? I don;t know what my chances are of ending up with no regular work.

Another piece of bad news - if not unexpected - is that my car has been written off and I now need to find a buy a new one. Trouble is finding the time to do it - and working out how much I can afford when I have no idea what my income is going to be.

That thumping sound you can hear is me banging my head against a wall as I try to figure out these and other conundra in my life at the moment. But at least I haven't resorted to comfort eating!

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