Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Time management revisited

It is ridicously early o'clock - but I couldn't sleep so I'm up. I am so woried about how the busses will work for me today. I am frightened of missing connections or getting lost. It is totally ridiculous. Imagination is a powerful tool - but sometimes it gets out of hand. I will be better once I have actually got underway. But in the meantime I have left myself time to check the timetables AGAIN before I go.

On the plus side I wasn't going to sleep if I stayed in bed so at least I am making good use of the time.

I have done my own personal 15 minute routine this morning. Yoga and muscle exercises. My right leg is very weak still.

Food yesterday was good. I didn't have ANY biscuits or chocolates - because I didnt want them. The yes/no technique is helping me make my choices. It will be interesting to see how rgis affects me. I am wondering if mkaing bad meal food choices increaases the chances of me snacking when I am not really hungry. Watch this space. I will track it.

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