Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Taking responsibility

I have to take responsibility for the fact that I have been eating chocolates and biscuits tonight.

I am stressed and very tired and suddenly keeping positive is just too much of an effort. Its easier to eat chocolate.

What am I stressed about?

I am annoyed about the way my insurance company has treated me
I am annoyed about missing a days work to sort out the car
I am worried that a cheque for 6000.00 appears to be lost in the post.
I am worried about how it can be sorted out if it doesnt arrive tomorrow
I am even worried I may lose the 6000,00 altogether if the insurance company are as unhelpful over this as they have been over other things
I have heard nothing from the agency and suspect I am not even going to get two days a week once the booking at RHH ends
And tonight my son told me his laptop (bought 4 months ago) isnt working - and I am not sure he has the paperwork to prove it is still under guarantee or the time to ring people and sort it out.

Some of these are are so unlikely and far fetched that it is laughable to think they might happen, my sons laptop is nothing to do with me. But right at the moment it feels as if fate is just giving me one last reminder of how unkind she can be.

We are rapidly approaching Edna's birthday (23rd Feb) and the second anniversary of Alan's death (4th March -which is during our holiday) I guess these anniversaries are having a bigger effect on my than I realised. I feel as if everything should be a lot better once we have got over those milestones.

I know I am getting things out of perspective - and it is no excuse for eating chocolate and biscuits - but sometimes positive thinking is just too hard.

Lets hope I feel better once I have had some sleep

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