Monday, 22 February 2010

Weigh in day

Well I have lost a qhole 1lb. Not much for the long time since my last weigh in - but at least I haven't put any on - depite my angst about my biscuit moments. I guess that must say something.

This morning I have done item 4 on the beyond choc list and focused completely on my breakfast food for one minute . I will try to do it again at lunch time. Its a good habit to get into. I was far more aware of the tang of the grapefruit contrasted with the sweetness of the pineapple.And I realise kiwi fruit has a very VERY subtle flavour that you can miss if you dont focus.

I have worked out - but done less than 20 minutes. I will do some more when I get home. I am getting the urge to go walking round the park again but I need to buy myself some proper trainers before I try that again I think. Plus I'm not going to go walking in the dark - or while it is this cold.

Am I a wimp or just sensible?

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