Tuesday 9 February 2010

Good habits and bad habits

What leaps of faith are you willing to take?

Trying new things can give you a real zest for life. Pushing beyond your comfort zone in a responsible way helps you grow confidence and creativity that you can apply to your everyday life. Do not let fear control what you do (or don't) do? While taking risks can be scary, doing nothing is a big mistake, as it produces nothing fruitful within you. There is a direct relationship between the things that we achieve and the effort we put forth to obtain them. To reach the fruit, you have to climb the tree first!

OK the above reflection may look as if it has little to do with title of this blog. But the above reflection really spoke to me. Once I would have not have been prepared to take a risk. Now I am and my life is looking so much better. 4 years ago imminent redundancy and a car crash within the space of a week would have reduced me to gibbering wreck. But I am sailing through this current crisis in an almost unbelievably positive frame of mind. The difference is I now expect good things to happen. 4 years ago I only expected bad stuff.

I got into the habit of positive thought. To maintain my positivity I'm going to try and list all the other good habits I have managed to acquire over the past 3 years.

Drinking water - ok not always as much as I should be I do have water almost every day

Not buying chocolate bars when I fill the car with petrol.

Taking time over preparing food that I really enjoy for breakfast and lunch. I eat better, and healthier food and by taking the time I affirm to myself that I matter that I am worth taking some time over

Eating more slowly. I am getting there - this one is a real struggle at times - especially during a 30 minute lunch break. But this morning I am going to leave half of the fruit and yoghurt I prepared . I am quite simply not hungry any more.

Exercise - even if its only 10 minutes or maybe even one exercise the Wii fit ets used every day. Trust me a year ago when I frst got the wii fit I could not imagine having the stamina to do the 30 minute routine that is now my standard. ( My workout this morning left me 1 minute and 16 calories short of my goal for today) And as for entering the race for life with the intention of jogging ANY of it - well it wouldn't have happened.

I can see for myself how much exercise helps. Tony has slimmed down so much. It bothers me that I can't see similar changes in myself. My body image is still bad. I never expect to have lost weight when I do a body test and I am eyeing the flag on the wii fit calendar with a certain amount of trepidation. But I will do a body test on my goal date. And no doubt blog about the result.

I have mananged to break some bad habits and get some new healthier ones. It has taken time and hasn't been easy but practice makes perfect.

I will keep on practicing.

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