Friday, 12 February 2010

The end of a tiring week

'There is no difference between living and is impossible and misleading and harmful to think of them as being separate.'

Sparkpeoples reflection seems tailored to me i the week I have started my OU course- but it applies equally to my journey to a fitter me.

I have certainly lived this week. What have I learned?

Keeping focussed on where you want to go does help. Everytime I touch my phone case I think of that peice of paper. It keeps me focussed on my eating habits. And looking back this week has been quite good.

I still don;t have the physical stamina I would like. My over enthusiastic workout on onday and Tuesday, couples with work being busy with little chance to sit down have left me really REALLY tired on this chilly Friday morning. In fact I overslept.

I can manage everything I need to do if I put my mind to it. This has given me confidence that I will not have to give up anything major to complete my OU course.

Continuous practice does get things to the point where it becomes habit. I had no thought og NOT using the wii fit this morning. But I only did 5 minutes. And today I have clcked up 12 weeks unbroken use. My next wi fit goal day will come at the end of 90 days continuous use. That number has a strange familiarity - and I didnt pick a goal date to coincide with that - its chance. Maybe a good omen? I hope so.

It is freezing cold here, I am tired, SO glad its the weekend tomorrow, and at the moment can't wait for work to be over - and I haven't even got there yet! But its been a good week on the whole - and I hope it will be a good weekend

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