Thursday 18 February 2010

Beyond chocolate biscuits

'Today, once before you eat, tune in to your hunger signals. Scan your body from head to toe for any physical sensations connected to hunger. How are you feeling about the fact you are about to eat? What are you telling yourself about the food?'

Yesterday I turned to chocolate biscuits. Don't know why really. Not THAT many - I didnt eat the whole packet but too many and I don't know why. This morning Beyond Choclate popped an action list into my mailbox of 10 things to practise. The one for today is the one listed above. So I AM going to do this in the evening then maybe I wont reach for the biscuit barrel.

I am SO tired this morning and I dont quite know why. I sat down more at work yesterday than I have managed to do for some days. I haven't OD'd on the workout front either.I did have a pretty intense reiki session last night and I have turned the radiator on in my bedroom so it was warmer than normal. Maybe the radiator needs to go off. It could be partly due to the reiki.

I will turn the wii fit on before I go to work. I just don't think I will be doing that much on it.

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