Friday, 26 February 2010

The Beyond Choc list

Day 9: Today take one minute to think back over the last nine days and appreciate yourself for all the actions you have taken. Formulate the sentence and actually say it to yourself: What I appreciate about myself in the last nine days is...

I am not giving up on myself. I reckon this action is probably the best thing I can do for myself today.

What I appreciate about myself in the last 9 days is

I have kept up with exercise
I have tried to eat mindfully
I have tried to do the tasks on the list to the best of my ability
I have tried to think positively about myself

And it took a lot longer than 1 minute to come up with those items

Its not a very good list. I am having real problems keeping positive at the moment. I am trying to do things - but really dont feel I am succeeding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your stressful times. Sending you best wishes and hoping your son's health, and your holiday, work out well !