Wednesday 30 September 2009

Report on Day 4

I\ve just worked out my 90th is Christmas Day. So as well as keeping me on track with food this blog is a countdown to Christmas.

Yesterday dod not go well with food. It started very well but I didnt eat lunch slowly. I cooked dinner before I went back to the hospital for the 6.00 - 8.00 visiting. I didnt feel hungry then so I didnt eat. I ate it when I got back - and didnt eat slowly enough. I did have biscuits and crisps and a late night snack of cheese and biscuits.

So why did it go wrong?

Partly it was emotional eating. Partly I was eating what was convenient rather than what I wanted. This is often the case. It isn't convenient to cook two different dinners. So if Tony doesn't fancy what I want we end up with what he wants. OK that wont be diet food - but it isnt what I really REALLY want. But being honest I dont often get mad fancies for food. I am rarely in the situation that I am eating something I really dont want at all. Partly I weas eating when it was convenient.

I am serisuly thinking of banishing the biscuit barrel to the kitchen and not buying biscuits. I must ask Tony how he would feel about that. if they aren't here we can't eat them.

Today has started OK. I have done a good workout. the middle section was the longest boxing whihc purports to e 10 minutes - but regsiters 13 minutes on the clock. I didnt get a brilliant step count on the free step - but the boxing left me very tired. I think it s a workout I can lve with on a daily basis.

Some years ago my GP spotted a little fat deposit under my right eye and had a little freak. She checked my cholesterol and together with other things realised I had fallen off the radar for heart checks. That was the appointment that changed our eating patterns. At one point I had little fat deposits under both eyes. i have noticed the one under my left eye has gone - and the one under my right eye is smaller. I mst be doing something right.

I feel hungry - but I don't think it is real hunger as my stomach still feel weighed down with yetserdays bad food intake - especially the cheese and biscuits I ate in bed. I am drinking water and will have something to eat after I have finished it.

As I woke about 5.30 ish I decided to use the time before I got up cosntructively and I listened to 'I can make you thin: and 'Exercise made easy' A double dose of McKenna.

Breakfast next stop

1 comment:

Sally said...

Taking care of what matters most

Your body is one of the most fragile things you need to care for. All too often we allow sickness, stress, and even other people run our lives. It's tough to consistently pursue your goals when you're laid up or constantly fighting illness. Take a preventive approach to your health. By eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep, and dealing with your emotions, you can build and maintain a healthy body that can help you improve other areas of your life!

This is exactly what I am trying to do.