Sunday 20 September 2009

A lazy Sunday?

Well being up at 7.30 isn't excatly the best start to a lazy day but then it won't really BE a lazy day. I do have things I need to do including visiting Edna. Most of the stuff I need to do is paperwork though so I will be using my head not my body.

I have exercised - 20 minutes free stepping. I have had breakfast. Tuning in my body seems relatively happy this morning. Emotionally I am relishing the mental aspect of the work I need to do today. Thought or question is what is the day going to bring?

So all in all things seem to be under control...................

Food went well yesterday. We had pizza for dinner and I only ate half my portion. I drank plenty of water - although not as much as on a normal day. The wii fit sulked all day unused . Oh well. Shopping is still a form of exercise. But I know I have to concentrate on another sort of exercise much more than I have been - and that is my PFM exercises. :-(

I have lots of things to plan for that I am looking forward to at the moment. Life seems to be sort of under control.

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