Wednesday 10 June 2009

Time for a review I think

Things are much more normal this morning although yet again I didnt wake until the alarm went off so havent had time to listen to any of the trance tracks. But I have worked out (yoga and step plus) and am now eating breakfast.

As I am so close to acheiving one of my targets (to weigh less than 14 st) it seems lke a good idea to review how I have got here and what I have hearned about my relationship with food.

'Eat what you want' is probably the rule most seriel dieters look at and say 'goody that will be easy' It is but it gets more complicated as you realise what you like. Grabbing a chocolate bar (or biscuit!!) is quick and easy. Preparing a fresh fruit salad takes time. And I have realised that I like my food to be interesting with flavour and good texture.

'Eat when you are hungry' is tricky when you have to stick to defined break times at work - but once you learn what your body needs and when you can prepare. So I have breakfast about 7.00 but will have a selection of 'finger food' (cereal bars fruit that sort of thing) so that I can have something just before I start work (I always have at least 10 minutes to spare after I arrive) But that can be one of the rules get bent.

'Eat slowly' takes practice and is hard when you dont have a lot of time to spend eating.

'Stop before you are full' is made eaiser by restricted break times - but like sow eating takes tractice. I am getting better at both of these- and both are easier when you have put the time in to prepare something you really want to eat.

I have realsied a lot of my bad eating habits came from rushing and not having time and not really enjoying my food. I still maintain the biggest change I have made is in y lunches at work. No more crispbreads - unless of course I want them (lol) and I do enjoy crispbreads at times. But snadwiches are much more enjoyable. Interestingly I can't eat a whole round of sandwiches any more so my intake is automatically cut in half.

I think the main thing I have learnt recently is that I enjoy food much more than I thought I did. I now take great pleasure in cooking in my new kitchen - and I cook healthier meals that we both enjoy. I think before I felt as a fat person it didnt dare really enjoy food. Now I know I can.

Maybe this journey has been easier for me than for others becasuse I understand the science behind what Paul says in his book. I also have to promote the healthy eating rules when I talk to patients.

I think one other major thing I have learned is that you need to be happy with who you are to lose weight and keep it off. I am happier with who I am than I have been for a long time.


Anonymous said...

I need to really work on the eat slowly and for some bizarre reason I seem to only be able to eat when hungry in the mornings. The afternoon does something to me and I stop being so mindful...wish i could work it out

I am "trying" to be happy with myself...perhaps that is the key for me too

Sally said...

I find it harder as it gets later in the day too so dont worry.

Think of the excess weight as being armour to hide you and protect you. You can only get rid of it when you no longer feel you need to hide or be protected..............

Anonymous said...

that's a good way to think of it Sally. I might try a positive affirmation about feeling safe and no longer needing to hide and see if that helps