Thursday 25 June 2009

Getting back into a routine

Part of being a good leader and good example is holding people accountable to their promises. To reach your goals, you need to be a strong leader of yourself. That means making sure you live up to the promises you made to yourself and to others. Your goals are important to you. They'll also require some work. If you could put one person in charge of your most personal, most precious goals, would you hire someone who looks for the easy way out or just talks a good game? Or would you entrust them to the person who willingly takes action and does whatever is needed to make it happen? You can handle the job. Prove yourself trustworthy by showing up every day with your sleeves rolled up.

I really like that reflection from Sparkpeople. I have had to work hard to get to where I am from where I started 3 years ago. And even even when you look at how far I have come since I started this blog nearly a year ago. I just checked and my frst entry was 30th June last year. Wow. Doesnt time fly. But it hasnt happened easily, it has needed determination and effort from me.

Yesterday went well with food, and excercise. Howver my idealistic thought yetsreday of taking a walk/jog every morning doesnt look as if it is ging to happen. I may surrpise myself tho.

I am very tired and achy after all yesterdays work. Cleaning furniture and fitings that haven't been cleaned in years is hard work. But It was worth it. I was particularly proud of the way the windowsill in the living room came up. Shifting the rubbish was hard even tho Steve did most of the legwork. But the most staisfying and turing thing was breaking up the old drawer table that had been cluttering uo my garage for months. We c,eared a lot of rubbish out of our garage as well as out of Steve's.

Jim is back as well so I know the bits of work that need finishing will get done so the end really IS in sight to all the work and the end result will be a house that is much closer to how I would like it to be as regards decoration. Hoorah!

I have done a short work out this morning. I have eaten breakfast fairly slowly -but not left any. I have done myself an interesting lunch (sandwiches and fresh fruit salad) I could just take fruit - but a fruit salad is much more interesting to eat - and I know the key is to have interesting food.
Also I can take fruit in a salad that I couldnt take as whole e.g. Kiwi fruit and pineapple. Its amazing how even an ordinary apple is nicer and tastier chopped up as part of a salad or in breakfast cereal. Time psent in food preparation is NOT wasted. I am standing and moving, I am using my brain to think of how to prepare the food, and the food tastes much nicer so is easier to eat slowly. It certainly helps me to stick to the 'Eat what you really want' rule.

So after yesterdays day off I am back at work today - and quite looking forward to it if I am honest. I do enjoy RHH - but would still prefer work nearer to home. I wonder if I should contact Emmily to let her know when I will be available again?


I emailed Emily - but she is on leave today so I wont get a quick answer. I never get quick replies from Emily anyway!

I also surprised myself. I DID go for a walk, and combined it with listening to some of my meditation music. I think it is called killing two birds with one stone. I was out for 20 minutes and I walked to the park down to the stream, across the bridge then over to the other bridge and walked out back out then took the long route home (turning left on Corvedale rather than right which is the direct way home. I have seen a track called walking meditation (and even one called running meditation!) so I may download that to my MP3 player and use that instead. 4 tracks worth of walking cant be bad though. I will try to stick to this - but I am not going to make extravagant claims about doingit every day. When its cold and wet I am sure the prospect will be much less appealing. But I did it today - and I feel good as a result.

I am sure the meditation time is helping in all sorts of ways. I know it wont work for everyone - but it works for me and that is all I care about. The whole idea of theis blog is to give my experiences in the hope that others may benfit or get other ideas about how they can manage their weight and personal issues. If there are any other readers apart from Sharon a) can you introduce yourself and b) please feel free to take what you wish from my experiences. And give me your experiences - If I had all the answers I would a be svelte size 12 instead of a curvey size 18!!


Anonymous said...

OMG running meditation? where?? I would love to try that.

I'm a curvy 18 too - nothing wrong with us Sally :)

Sally said...

Yes but you are how tall? 5'5 ish? I am only 5'2 . I have always joked that I am too short for my weight!!