Wednesday 24 June 2009

A day off

I ma helping Steve with things to do with his house - inlcuign soem cleaning and rubbish removal. So the Wii fit is staying off at the moment. After a an off the cuff comment on Sharon's blog - I am actually seriously considering includinh jogging in th epark in the fitness activiites. I cant beleive it - but on a lovlet sunny day the idea does appeal.

Food went OK yesterday. The visit to Edna went as OK as I culd have expected. Yesterday I had to have my lunch early before I was really hungry so I only ate one of my sandwiches. I ate the other on the way to Moseley. So I wasnt hungry when Tony had his salad - and made myself a sausage sandwich a bit later. With a side serving of tortilla chips. A couple of biscuits also crept in. So I feel I followed the rules pretty well yesterday. Ate what I want, stopped when I wasnt hungry any more.

This morning I did myself some breakfast and more than half of it is sitting in the bowl uneaten. I'm not hungry any more.

I always feel much more in control of food first thing in the morning. If I could work out why, I could be in control later in the day which is normally when it all goes wrong.

Something for me to think about.

Judy is coming up today - much to Steve's delight. She is a lovely girl. I made a passing comment that I would like to see Hairspray. She has it on DVD and she is bringing up her copy for me to borrow. I dont feel jealous of her place in Steve's life - I am secure enough in our relationship to know that it would take something cataclysmic to shatter our bond. And the moral of this tale is to let your kids go. It isnt easy to do and it hurts like hell. Empty nest syndrome was dreadful for a week. But because I was able to do that, we are friends more than mother and son.

I think I can tick ' parenting' as something I have succeeded at. Interesting that I think I have suceeded by good communication with him. And communication is something else I am good at. It gives me the hope that I will find the way to communicate with Edna.

30 minutes later

I have been out for a walk - just round the block. I tried some running but my knees just dont like it at the moment. My knees - especially my left knee - are not happy at the moment. But I feel good for being out in the fresh air and sunshine. And I am now hungry and finishing my breakfast. Because I am hunrry I have finished it rather faster than I should have done. But maybe that was because toast was what I fancied -but I went for the easier option of not wasting food.

Another plus point was I looked at myself in the mirror while I weas washing and noticed I have a definite waist. I reckon that counts as doing the mirror excercise!!

1 comment:

EuroRunner said...

That is how the running bug starts. I used to love walking and one day the urge to run to the end of the street overtook me and I gave it a go, mind you it's very hard on the knees and not a good idea if your in pain. Great job getting out there and trying though.

If you work out why please let me know as I am more in control in the morning too. It's around 3pm when things change for me...although I have had 2 days of no afternoon/evening binging and that is good for me....I am taking it one day at a time

It is really nice to read that you do like Judy and feel happy for them both. It took a very long time for Mathews mother to accept me and her relationship with her son suffered over 9 years while we all tried to sort it out.

I better go and do the mirror exercise myself now :)