Tuesday 23 June 2009

Could do better

The classic put down on school reports. Maybe I am being harsh in applying that to myself but that is my feeling about yesterday.

It all started well - but went down hill rapidly. Work did not go well. I made some silly mistakes - nothing serious but annoying all the same. But the lunch cover didnt work out the wau it normally does and despite everyones best intentions I didnt get a break until 2.00pm. So much for eating when you are hungry! I didnt eat lunch as slowly as I should have done and that kind of set the pattern for the rest of the day as far as food went.

And I was too tired to do anything that even resembled excercise when I got home.

I cheered myself up by booking a hotel for the Pendle Hill ghost hunt. We are making a weekeknd of it driving up on the Friday and back on the Monday. We need a break and deserve a treat.

I have changed my meditative listening. I bought a CD at Tony Stockwell's show that is designed to help train you to release your psychic power and I am working through that. It is spooky how some of his words and phrases link back to phrases Paul and Kelly and other meditation tracks I have listened to have used. I take the recurring themes as a signal that I am on the right track. Whether I end up with a 'psychic ability' or not I am certain this study is important for the care of my inner self.

I dipped into 'Care of the Soul' during my mch delayed lunch break yesterday and I did get some interestiung insights. Philosophy and crackers - what a combination!

Today has started OK ish. I wa sup well before the alarm and I cleaned the oven as well as doing some basic tidying in the kitchen. I have had breakfast already. I woke hungry (despite cheese and crackers last night) and as a result I have eaten it faster than I should have done. But I am feeling motivated so I am aiming to do half an hour onthe Wiifit this morning.

I will be going to see Edna tonight after work.

I hope today goes better than yesterday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I would love to hear more about the CD as you listen to it.

You sound like you need a break and the weekend away sounds perfect.

hope you feel happier :)