Monday 15 June 2009

That Monday morning feeling

I haye to admit it but the predominant feeling is very slight panic wondering how I am going to get all the necessary phones calls done. I have to pay Edna's Meals on wheels invoice (which she had filed away without doing anything with it) Ring her to remind her to go to Mseley hall and I probaly need to ring my dentist to let him know about the filling that has fallen out. All this when making calls with my mobile is diffciult to impossible between the hours of 9 and 5.

However I will cope..........

I have made a good start today. The yoga went well and I was very energetic in the step plus. I havent listened to any of Paul's tracks becasue I slept almost until the alarm went off - although I did have some disturbing dreams that were heavily inflenced by Schindlers List I think. A very powerful film. So I didn't have an undisturbed nights sleep.

I am eating breakfast as I type this (muesli with a fresh orange with yoghurt and some sugar) and it tastes wonderful. I have realised denying myself sugar is probably the most pointless dieting manoutvre I have ever made. Using zero calorie substitiutes is a quick fix to reduce your calorie intake - but they dont taste as good. I'm not going to suddenyl stop buying the sugar free versions of lemonade and other fizzy drinks or even staop heading for the healthier low salt low sugar versions of food like baked beans. But a spoonful of real sugar on my cereal isnt going to hurt me. And adding a bit of sugar to my coffee as well as the artifiial sweetener isnt going to hurt me.

Eating as I type slows down my eating . I have my lunch prepared ( the other half of the sandwich I made on Friday and a fresh fruit salad) so all I have to do is shower and dress. As itsd not yet 8.00 and I dont have to leave until just after 9.00 I should have time to meditate and get some phone calls in (if they open before 9,00 that is )

I feel like a plate juggler at the moment - a feeling I remember all too well from my days as a wrking Mum with a young child at school. But this time I know which are my priotiy plates - and if some of the others fall off I dont care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sally I had this sugar epiphany on the weekends so it's funny you should write about it. I have used sweeteners so much in the past and although I had given them up I had slowly started to increase them again...and so did my sugar cravings that have me binging in the afternoons. so I am back having sugar again. I find that if I do I don't crave it as much and the afternoon binging is not nearly as often.

I feel much better - and it tastes better - having real sugar rather than sweetener in my coffee

I hope the plate juggling (because just from reading I can see why you feel like that) is productive today