Thursday 4 June 2009

Aneven more intersting post - I hope

I listened to another of the new tracks last night. I dont remember much about it. I was out of it for at least 10 minutes. So I guess I relaxed quite well!. I found the instruction to visualise my slimmer self whenever I becasue aware of not counting a very good idea.

Food went pretty well yesterday and I certaonly did well on the 'move your body' front as well. But this morning I ache and I nearly overselpt. I was quite late to bed so was late geting to sleep by the time I had doen the meditation. I diont know why I ache. 40 minutes on the Wii fit (20 minutes yoga and step plus yesterday mronign and 20 minutes free step while watching tv last night) is normal for me. And I'm notaware of running aorund a lot at work so I dont understand that.

Mentally I am rushing around already. I have to do Edna's shopping , get it over to her, fit in my hair appointment and go and vote (European and local elections) . Plus I have to work and I still want to spend some meaningful time with Tony tonight. The shopping will be done this morning beffore I go to work. I may cancel the hair appointment - but its only for a dry trim so shouldnt take too long - and the hairdreser is on my way from work to Edna's. I knwo I'll do it all, I am just wondering how tired I will be tonight

I have realised I am not drinking enough either for Paul's programme or to help my bladder. I could drink a well dry this morning. And I woke in the night really thirsty. Yesterday I felt very dry mouthed at work and had to leave the dispensary a couple of time to get myself some water.I have also realised I have got out of the habit of doing my pfm excercises. Can I do them while driving? I'll find out this morning

So far this morning I am not really hungry so I haven't had breakfast. Despite feeling a bit panicked I have got the radio of TV on. I am enjoying the silence whihc is actually very relaxing.I am looking at the wii fit and wondering if to turn it on. With the shopping and a day at work I will be doing a lot of steps anyway. I can always do a quick 15 or 20 minutes this evening when I've stopped rushing. And that means I will have time to listen to a trance track before I go to work. I think I;ll listen to one of the non Paul tracks.

I am still meditating on the last comment in yesterdays entry. No real conclusion yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your exercising quite a bit each day Sally, and although you don't notice running around a lot at work doesn't mean your not doing it :)

Yes you can do them while driving - I do them all the time, at the computer, in the kitchen when ironing LOL and to remind me when I was driving I would do that at every set of traffic lights

The Gabriel Method is similiar to Paul's philosophy and the Secret one is long and aimed to be done before sleeping