Sunday 7 June 2009

If only every day could be like that

After that good start ,yesterday got better. I had a fantastic day all round. I got Tony to the convention with me with no argument just a little psychology. When we got there we had a great time, bumped into lots of old freinds, and took part in one of the best gaming sessions I can ever remember. I got reminded LOTS that people remember me and think of me very positively. And I am now back in touch with some long lost friends. The pleasure of that is slightly tempered by the knwoledge that I will no doubt have to discuss Alan - but I can cope with that

Best of all was food was a dream. OK my diet was positively unhealthy but I stuck to the rules quite well. Lunch was a huge bagguette, dinner was from the chippy but no crisps no sweets none of the normal convention overeating. I feel positively proud of myself.

I am so looking forward to another good day today.

Yetserday had an added bonus. Steve has told me he is going to give Tony a bottle of scotch for Father's day. He has never EVER done anything for Father's Day before - and I know Tony will be so touched by the significance of the day as well as the gift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fathers Day? We celebrate that in October in Australia. that is a really nice gesture. I have never acknowledged by mothers partner for fathers day but when recently buying gifts for my mother and sister from Spain I included a gift for him and my mum said it really did make his day. I will do it more often from now on.

Glad you had such a good time. I am sure it's not a coincidence that you are now noticing often that your well remembered and positively thought of.

You sound really happy and confident right's great :)