Sunday 14 June 2009

New day new week

OK my aim today is to get back into routine with exercise because I know that is the key to consistent weight loss. Also I feel good about myself when I am exercising regularly. Yay for serotonin.

I ache this morning. I may not have worked out but I can feel the effects of helping Steve move furniture. We were trying to find the best arrangement for his new 3 piece suite and the only way was to shift the bits around. thena bit later I helped him put together a divan bed whihc involoved manhandling the bits of the base into the correct position. I did excercise yesterday so when the balance board reminded me it had been 3 days since I last worked out with the Wiifit I wasnt too worried.

I felt like showing the balance board 2 (or maybe only 1!) fingers but making rude signs at an inanimate object wouldnt excatly be a sign of mental stability lol

I didn't sleep well last night so I am tired this morning. I could have gone back to bed after feeding the cats but decided getting back into routine was more important.

So I have worked out (yoga and step plus) and boy were my scores hit by the two day break. I was much stiffer than usual. But as long as I am doing them regulalry I know I will stay flexible. And I know it will pay off long term. It has been weeks since I needed to come downstairs almost crabwise becasue my knees hurt. Although losing wieght will help my knees I haven't lost enough to make a huge difference to them yet. Its been the excercise thats made that change. I can even get up from doing the downward facing dog without having to hold onto something and without going ouch. It ets worse as I go through the day - but at least I am starting from a better platform than I used to

Food was OK. I didnt have time to snack with all the running around - and I stuck the the 4 golden rules when I did eat. Given my stress levels I am impressed with myself for not giving in to snacking in the evening - but the pizza filled me up.

So overall I am tired, but concentrating on keeping on track, and not letting stress win.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope the aches go away soon. Glad you managed to stay with the rules over the weekend - even if it was an exhausting time