Friday 12 June 2009

Gut instinct

Yesterday morning on only the vaguest of symtpoms I put myself back on Movicol. This morning my guts are in total shutdown despite a second dose yesterday. So this morning I have doubled the dose . So my instinct yesterday morning was right.

I think my other 'gut instinct' was also correct. I think I was waiting for Edna . Having sene her and realised I need to do more for her I have lost the 'waiting' feeling.

I need to pay close attention to my instinctive feelings. Clearly I am now more in tune with my body and that is great news.

Food was a kind of ' blah' day. I sat too close to the tuck shop in the tea room yesterday at lunch. I had crispbreads with me (first time in ages just to make a change) and ended up with a packet of crisps and a chocolate bar as well. Thnaks to visiting Edna I was late having dinner . And I seem to have rejioned the clean plate club - but the dinner I did myself was smaller than I would have had pre Paul.

I haven't listened to any of Paul's CD's for a couple of days due to lack of time - but I still feel in control of food. That is probably a sign that the rules are now totally ingrained in me.

One plus point from yesterday is that I did a lot better drinking than I have been. I took 2 very short breaks each session.

I hurt this morning - definite back pain and I feel stiff. I actually did less exercise yesterday than I normally do because I didnt do my normal freestep session yesterday evening. So I'm not sure what the pain is due to. But I am not ignoring it and I think I may give the workout a miss this morning. Resting is the worst thing for back pain - but I move around so much at work that I can;t be considered to be resting it by avoiding the workout. My body is talking to me and I am listening.

I have a shopping list for Edna and I am debating whether to do the shopping (for her and me) this morning or tommorrow morning. Always so many decisions to make!!!!

Just found this from Sparkpeople

We all know people who just like to complain. It seems that no matter how good they have it, they're always spreading negative energy. Even the best, most painstaking listener can have trouble with someone who finds fault with everything around them. You can shine even in the worst situations if your character is strong. If you're starting to see the "dark side" too often and find yourself blaming your circumstances on other people, take another look. If you think a change of scenery will solve all your problems, think again. Change can be good. Moving on to new things can be an exciting chance to stretch yourself and break a rut. But it's important to start with yourself when you're finding things to improve. No matter where you live, work or play, the only constant is you. You can't escape yourself. Change on the outside will have no effect on your happiness or fulfillment unless you change on the inside, too.

There are a few people I would LOVE to see this. I know a LOT of moaners. I used to be one myself. I wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't changed on the inside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obviuosly learning to be more in tune with your body food wise helps you be more in tune holistically with yourself.

I notice so many things about my body that are non food related since I learned to listen to the cues of appetite - it never ceases to amaze me how shut off I was from my self when chronic dieting for years on end.

It is fascinating to read that you have experienced the same changes.

Oh I know a few people that that Spark people article relates to as well! I want to tell them sometimes that if they occasionally talked about something happy and positive they would feel better...but I don't think it would go down too well LOL

Have a great weekend :)