Wednesday 17 June 2009


I am typing this in bed, feeling tired, fed up miserable and frankly not liking myself very much. I have not had a good day. But food was going well until after dinner.Then emotional eating took over and the chocolate biscuits were irresitible. I even brought a chocolate bar to bed with me. I just let it all go to pot and I am angry with myself, angry with life, and angry with Edna. But its no-one fault except mine however angry I feel about other people.

I dont want to have to deal with all this tomorrow morning. I want to start tomorrow with the slate wiped clean.

OK so I broke the rules big time tonight. And to make it worse I havent used the Wiifit at all. I was going to do some free step - but I was too tired.

No doubt tiredness is part of the problem. Hopefully Kelly Howels will put me to sleep tonight and I will sleep better than last night.

I know I am not being rational tonight, and I know I need to get my transgressions tonight in perspective. Hopefully tomorrow I will like myself enough to get back on track.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you tried the emotional eating track yet? Let me know what you think as I only have listened to it twice and it works for me better than any others. I lose myself in the trance straight away and wake up after. yesterday was the first time I did not feel the urge to eat emotionally. It was great. I am going to listen to that one each night for a while...I might also listen today to see what he says in the bits i am not conciously aware for