Saturday 20 June 2009

So far so good.

Step one of my good weekend worked - we got to Rachel and Tyler's last night. So far so good. Its a shame my eating went totally to pot yesterday - and I dont really have an excuse. It started when I needed to chnage a 5.00 note to get change for the car park and bought a chocolate bar. Chocolate biscuits followed when I got it, although I didn't have a huge dinner because I knew I wasn't hungry. So it wasnt all bad.

I listened to the CYLI7D track last night for a change - not that I remember most of it. I didnt even wake up when he did the fimal countdown at the end.

This morning I have a busy day ahead. I need to try and get the paint off the back seat of the car incase the lovebirds want to sit together inthe back. If I can't Steve will have to sit behind me or in the front. The paint is totally dry - and its all Steve's fault anyway. I was tranporting paint for him and didn't realise it had spilled until it was dry becasue Steve took it out of the car.. I also want to measure his windows so curtains can be among the items we buy on the shopping trip today. I have already done a bit of cleaning round the house - and its not even 8.00 yet. I even cleaned the perspex door on the catflap and the cats can now see through it for the first time in years!

I have been good and done 15 minutes on the Wii fit (step plus and got a record score) I wasn't hungry when I got up but I decided I was hungry when I made my second drink - but didnt fancy cereal so I am having toast - and I'm not sure I am going to finish both slices. I am still listening to my body .

I so want Judy to like us. I want to impress her. I look aorund at the house and all I can see is how far it falls short of the ideal look I have in my mind. But I know Steve and Tony look at out cluttered home and see it as 'home' - and I know Steve would be outraged if Judy made snide comments on the state of the house . So I know I am being ridiculous.

Time to get on with the work. In two hours I need to be at Steves ready to go and pick Judy up. Watch this space for a full report later!!


We got on OK. I liked her and she liked me. Steve was SO relieved...........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMAO love the lovebirds comment - that cracked me up!

Your not being ridiculous worrying about someone knew coming in, I would feel the same but the first thing I think of when you mention your house is that you have a great new kitchen...I have not even seen it and I am impressed!

hmmm you didn't say much about it and used the word "OK" were you disappointed in some way?