Tuesday 16 June 2009


Our exchange of views on sugar yesterday got me thinking about the whole ethos of Paul's programme and why I know we can both carry on with small amounts of sugar without feeling guilty. Diets fail because of boredom,and/or cravings and the guilt trip you go on when you know you have broken the rules. 'Eat what you want' eliminates the boredom and the guilt trip. But you wont lose weight if eat what you want means you snack all day on chocolate. Ultimately the only way to lose weight is to take in less eneragy than you use. Carried through to its ultimate aim,'Eat what you want' relies on your body giving you the desire for the right sort of foods. Paul metions an experiment with toddlers allowed free access to a range of foods over several weeks who all eneded up eating a balanced diet over those weeks. His theory is if you listen to your want you will WANT the healthier options. There is a lot of xcience to support Paul's programme - I'm not sure how robust that theory is. But I do know that eating a balanced diet with all the food groups is the best basis for good health. So I know we need carbs including sugar. But sugar (glucose) only provides 4 calories per gramme. Fat provides 9. So in calorie terms our 'spoonful of sugar' isnt going to massively increase calorie intake. So enjoy your sugar - in moderation - but dont forget pasta provides better carbs for your running!

Yesterday 4 chocolate biscuits got eaten when I wasnt really hungry - may as well own up. But apart from that I did well with food. My water intake wasnt brilliant but I did clock up 40 minutes on the wiifit. So all in all not a bad day

Yet again I slept almost till the alarm went off. It seems to be happenning more since I started listenign to Kelly Howells regularly. I must listen to the track without attemting to go into trance and find out what the whole of the track says. There is at least 30 minutes of it I have never heard - and I'd like to know what she is telling me.

I have done my morning workout and cocked up over 20 minutes on the Wii fit already today. Lunch is ready, and really all I have to do is get dressed and get off to work - and I have an hour to do that.

I realised I was being stupidly panicy yertsreday. I got Edna's invoice paid at 8.45 (before I left for work) and was able to ring Edna to remind her about the appointment with little difficulty. No plates fell off and really there were not that many plates to keep in the air. I was being incredibly silly and negative. I think subconciously I have concerns about Edna that I am suppressing. I need to try and get the concerns into the light of day so I can deal with them.

I am bit down because I stepped on the bathroom scales and the figure was not as low as I hoped - in fact nowhere near the Wiifit figure. Its silly becasue I know the figure is 7 lbs less than it used to be. I have still lost the weight. But I am sitting here feeling fat and bloated. So I am going to have a quick bath and meditae in the bath. Its a sure way to make myself feel good about me. I wish I didnt have to play psychological tricks on myself to make myself feel good!! Still at least I know I can make myself feel good. Self knowledge can be a double edged sword at times tho.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those blasted scales! I am going to stop using mine for a while.

Oh let me know if you can stay awake to hear the last 30 minutes because i have tried but no luck so far