Friday 30 March 2012

Yesterday I walked........LOTS. Leafletting is very good exercise. And as it was a lovely warm and sunny day it was quite enjoyable. Food yesterday wasn't too bad - but I did hit the biscuits a bit. However I drank LOADS of water during circle. This morning I am aware of my IBS still - which is disappointing because last night it had gone. However last night my inflammation/cystitis issue was at full tilt - and this morning it seems to have gone. Wwll I guess you can't have it all. I have made my lunch for work - and I am wondering if we may have problems at work if some people have to come a long way and can't get fuel. Thats not a nice thought. This phoney fuel crisis is ridiculous. Tanker drivers MAY go on strike, so the PM suggest it might be an idea to make sure your car is topped up - in case. This ignores the fact that they have to give a weeks notice of the strike anyway. As of this morning the earliest the strike can happen is 11 days time. People have gone crazy. I am just glad I don't use the car much. But I do have to get to Stratford on Saturday night for the ghost hunt. If I had to I could manage without a car. It would be inconvenient - but not disastrous. Now 4 years ago I couldn't have said that because walking was still a major issue - and walking to and from work every day wasn't a realistic option. My life rally HAS changed a lot now I think about it. How much of that has been external forces and how much has been by my design? Now there is an interesting thought. Over the long term it has mainly been external forces - but I believe they have pushed me in the right direction . Over the short term the changes are much more directed by me and my actions. I am heating a healthy diet on the whole. I am getting much more regular exercise than I used to with swimming and walking. I am a very different person to who I was when I started this blog nearly 4 years ago. I started it originally to be a replacement for the 90 day diary that cam with I can make you thin. Now my life is in much better order than it was then, and now I am so much happier than I was then. Does this mean this blog needs to change its focus? Does this blog serve any purpose now? Maybe its time to close this one and start a new one................... something to think about.

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