Thursday 15 March 2012

To sleep perchance to dream

Well I have had some unusual dreams over the past few days - but last night I didn't - mainly because I had a rather bad nights sleep. So this morning I feel tired and rather demotivated. But I am doing spiritual stuff today so that has cheered me up. I have also been cheered by the fact that instead of slumping in front of the TV and lap top, and mentally whinging, I have actually done things. I posted in my FB support group, I have posted about being at the salon today, I went into the kitchen to sort my breakfast out emtpied the dishwasher, started to re-load it again and did some tidying up. I have also fixed myself a rather nice breakfast. Muesli an kiwi fruit with breakfast juice on it. I don;t have any fromage frais,we only have 2 yoghurts left and I dislike milk on kiwi fruit. but the breakfast juice is a delightful accompaniment. I don't think I am going to fit in real meditation before I go to the salon - but Marie is coming round tonight for our min development circle so I will be meditating then. But I had some useful thoughts while I was doing the kitchen and as ever blogging (and posting in the support group) are a form of meditation anyway. So I am tired, but surprisingly chilled and optimistic about the day. Yesterday we had a game - but I didn't indulge in a snack fest - mainly because there were no snacks that were appropriate to put on the table. there really is a simple answer to the gaming night snack fests - don't have anything available. I remain convinced the key to me slimming down is to stop snacking . I am not sure yet if I am going to walk to the salon. I do have to take some heavyish stuff up, and probably DO need to head for the supermarket at some point. Is that a reason to use the car - or just an excuse...............

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